Basterma and egg, Basturma wi baid, Egyptian bacon and eggs
I forgot I used to eat Basterma and egg (Basturma wi baid) growing up but it is such an easy meal, anyone could do it. I consider it to be the Egyptian version of the Australian Saturday morning breakfast of bacon and eggs – but who says eggs are just a breakfast food!
Basterma and egg, Basturma wi baid, Egyptian bacon and eggs
Basterma and egg, Basturma wi baid, Egyptian bacon and eggs
I suggest asking for 100g and see what you think of it. I would think that would make enough for about 6 people if cooked with eggs. I made a video of cooking “Basturma wi baid” (Basturma with egg) while the boys were having a sleep. Maybe it was the smell of frying meat and eggs wafting from the kitchen that woke them but as you will see Alexander makes an appearance and is quite happy to be a taste tester.
You can watch the video of Basterma and egg at: